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Breast Health

From an early age, women are raised to think about their breasts in certain ways. Seeing the breast, touching the breast, even calling the organ called the breast “breast” is considered a social taboo. With puberty, the breast becomes a symbol of femininity, nutrition for the baby and sexuality.

Unfortunately, the established meaning of the breast, the perception of social taboo and the meanings attached to it in the context of sexuality can make it very difficult for women in terms of breast health. Since the relationship between breast and health is not sufficiently emphasized and basic information is not provided, women are confused about any breast disease and do not know what to do and where to apply.

Almost every woman has a complaint about her breast during her lifetime. These complaints are mostly in the form of a feeling of hardness or pain in the breast. The vast majority of hardness, masses and changes in the breast are not cancer. Nevertheless, if it is noticed, it must be evaluated by a specialist physician.

Although breast cancer comes to mind when it comes to breast health, there are also many non-cancerous diseases of the breast. But breast cancer is always at the top of the list of breast health problems. Breast cancer threatens a woman’s life and her identity as a woman.

Another major problem in breast health is the lack of health centres, physicians, nurses and other allied health personnel specialized in breast diseases.