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Breast Ultrasonography US

Ultrasound is an imaging method obtained by different reflections of sound waves. A small hand-held device is gently moved over the breast. This sends sound waves to the breast. The reflected sound waves are transferred onto a screen. Formations inside the breast are evaluated with images created from different reflections.

Unlike mammography, ultrasonography is a cross-sectional imaging method. Tissues do not overlap each other during the examination, preventing possible diagnostic errors. In women with dense breast tissue, a US examination of the breast is also recommended. This makes it easier to detect small foci of cancer that are obscured by breast tissue on mammography by ultrasound.

  • All women under the age of 35 as the first method of examination because it does not involve radiation,
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women due to the absence of radiation,
  • Those with signs of infection such as redness and severe pain in the breast,
  • Women with dense breast structure in addition to mammography,
  • Those with suspicious findings on mammography or physical examination,
  • Breast cancer detectives to detect additional tumor foci and to evaluate the armpit and opposite breast,
  • Recommended for male patients with breast complaints (with mammography if necessary).

Ultrasonography is one of the most experienced examinations among all radiology examinations. Ultrasonography, especially in breast imaging, should be performed by physicians with specialized experience, expertise and training. When performed by people without specific experience in breast imaging, it is possible that some findings may be missed or misinterpreted.