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After examination by a physician, some additional tests may be required for diagnosis. Mammography is one of the most common additional examinations for the breast. Among all imaging and diagnostic methods, mammography is the earliest method to detect breast cancer. Mammography is a method of obtaining images using low dose X-rays. It can be roughly defined as taking an X-ray of the breast.

The aim of mammography is to detect breast cancer as early as possible. In addition to the standard mammography method, digital mammography technologies are also used today.

Mammography, which is performed by compressing the breast between 2 layers, is known among women as a very painful method. A mammogram performed by a qualified and experienced radiology technician should never be unbearably painful. The knowledge and experience of the mammography technician is also important for the quality of the mammogram.

The most important feature of mammography is that it is a very sensitive technique. For all women over 40 years of age, whether or not they have breast complaints, mammography every year is of great importance for early diagnosis. Mammography is recognized as the most valid method of mass screening for breast cancer.