Sena Project
The project, which aims to train breast surgeons (senologists), breast nurses, educate the public and establish accredited breast centers in Turkey, was submitted to the European Academy of Breast Science in 2010 and started in 2011 with the establishment of the Turkish Academy of Breast Science, based in Istanbul.
Breast Nurse Trainings
Together with the faculty members of SENATURK and Marmara University School of Nursing, a breast nursing certificate program was initiated for the first time in Turkey and as of December 2013, Turkey’s first breast nurses completed their training.
Breast Surgeon - Senologist Trainings
With the outstanding efforts of the SENATURK Board of Directors, following the launch of the SENA Project, 28 trainings were organized until the end of 2013. With the contributions of international faculty members, hundreds of surgeons in Turkey were reached, Turkish surgeons were introduced to oncoplastic surgery techniques in cooperation with the British Royal Academy of Surgery, and the first breast cancer congress was held over the internet.
In February 2014, the first group of Turkish surgeons started training at the European Academy of Breast Science.
With the initiatives taken, SENATURK – Turkish Academy of Breast Science became an official partner of the international journal “Breast Care”. In 2012, “Breast Case”, Turkey’s first online breast disease case magazine was launched.
Public Trainings
In 2011-2012, 82 conferences were organized in 5 provinces and 3 different countries with the Breast School project and thousands of women were reached through direct training and booklet distribution. The first of its kind in Turkey, i-meme, a breast self-examination guide software for smartphones, was put into use by SENATURK Management and a remote information platform was created for thousands of women.
SENATURK, Breast blog was launched and a platform was created where women and health professionals will meet on breast cancer.
In 2014, the “10 Minutes on the 10th of Every Month” movement was launched, starting with a calendar project with well-known artists of Turkey, and 150 seminars and various art and sports activities were planned for 2014.
Accredited Breast Centers
Preparations for the first accredited breast centers in Turkey were initiated in 2013 and cooperation agreements were signed with European cancer data management companies as a first initiative. Software work has started for SENA-Alcedis, Turkey’s first cancer data management console. Negotiations were initiated with international data benchmark institutions and steps were taken to benchmark the centers to be established in the European Cancer league. In February 2013, the first audit team came from Germany to audit the centers of SENATURK Board Members and Turkey’s first “Patient Journey Auditing” was conducted.